Saturday, January 5, 2013

AND SO IT BEGINS... I go!  (I blame you, Leslie!) (LOL!)

It is true..I am rarely in any photos that are taken of my very special grand-daughter..that's because I am always the person taking the pictures. When I look back at photos of my sons growing up I am missing from a lot (if not most) of them as well...I do not like having my picture taken but it's time to suck-it-up, Grammy, and get in the picture!!  So I am stealing this idea from you, Leslie, and I will attempt to post at least one picture a week of me and Miss B.
I could kiss her all day long!

1 comment:

  1. So sweet (who took that fabulous pic? lol). You will love looking back on all these shots of you two at the end of the year :)
