We got back Wednesday from our trip and Thursday/Friday Bella and I started a couple of projects. We made "Handprint" memories for everyone. She had a millions hugs for me in two days...making up for lost days! We went shopping a couple of times, read books, played games, "flew" around as Toothless and Hiccup (for those that have never seen "How to Train Your Dragon" they are the main characters), and she had so much fun! We did FaceTime with Danny..which is always fun..and when we had hung up Bella called him back all by herself! (I must remember to turn the wi/fi off when we are done...and I need to be sure she doesn't see me do it because she remembers!!)
It was also a sad week....another CF'r gained her angel wings...Breathe easy, Jordan Ulrich.
It makes us so aware of how lucky we have been with Bella and it makes us fight even harder to keep her healthy and to find a cure for this evil disease. I know people look at us so strangely when we wipe down everything when we go out to eat, or when she rides in a shopping cart it gets wiped down, but they have no idea how important it is for Bella..they don't realize how susceptible she is to common germs that would never bother anyone else..they don't realize that a common cold could lead to something so much worse...they don't know...they just don't know how every meal requires enzymes so that she will be able to absorb the nutrients from the food she eats, that the enzymes help her poop, that without the correct balance of enzymes she could have serious bowel obstructions and become malnourished and they don't know that she sits for two CPT's every day for 20 minutes while we pound on her chest to break up any mucus in her lungs (she will be getting her vest soon), that she takes two albuterol treatments and a breathing treatment every day...and those enzyme capsules?? she swallows them whole at the same time!! If people are sick we avoid them like the plague...her hands and our hands are washed so many times during the day that I'm surprised that we have skin left...but she accepts the "clean up/wash up" without argument... So maybe we are over-protective...I don't care. We fight to keep her healthy and we live in fear that her health could take a serious turn at anytime. And we love her with every fiber in our bodies.
I bet she missed you like crazy. And I can see from your grin how much you missed her. Love how close you two are!She is an amazing little girl with an amazing grandma(who I have only met once but feel like I know!).