Friday, December 20, 2013

"Just one second..."

"Just one second"...Bella started saying it a few days ago..usually in response to when she is asked a question, or asked to do something..."just one second" usually putting up her hand to hold us off.  At first I thought it was sort of cute..then began thinking why she was saying it and it occurred to me that it's because of what she hears...from me, from all of us at some point.  Nowadays all of us have cell phones, computers, gizmos and gadgets...and when she asks us a question or needs something what does she sometimes hear in response? Yep..."just one second" as texts are answered, emails checked, etc. It brings to mind the song "Cat's In the Cradle"...and she is growing up just like us. She picks up things very quickly!

So today I made a firm resolution that she isn't going to hear "just one second" from me was all about hide and go seek, dancing like maniacs in front of the blank TV screen because she could see herself  (I either need to exercise more or learn self-applied CPR!), it was picnic breakfast in the pantry, picnic lunch as we colored on the dining room floor, it was singing at the top of our lungs, it was wrapping up in a huge blanket so we could sneak outside to put seed out for the birds and "crazy squirrels" (her name for them), and "doe a durs a female durs".  It was about listening to her (like yesterday when she was telling me EVERYTHING that was going on around her) and what she was trying to say or ask. (the recording has made her laugh even more today!) Why??...because she asked and because it was important to her .....and because life is just too darn short to put important things off for "just one second".

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