Monday, January 28, 2013

Such a ham!

 When the timer starts flashing the countdown to taking a picture Bella has learned to pose and smile!!
 Hugs for Grammy!
We chased bubbles outside today (before the wind picked up), then played with "Cedric"!  Bella signed "more cookies please" today..of course I obliged!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Melt my heart!

Personally I can't think of a better way to spend a couple of hours!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Little Miss Giggles

It was extremely chilly outside but is was warm and cuddly inside by the fire!  We played and watched "Brave" a couple of times!  Nap time was snuggle up in the chair with Grammy day.  Love you so much little Miss B.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Order of the day

Today Bella and I had lunch with my BFF, Lynette.  We had such a great time! When we came home playing and spinning and laughing was the order of the day!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

AND SO IT BEGINS... I go!  (I blame you, Leslie!) (LOL!)

It is true..I am rarely in any photos that are taken of my very special grand-daughter..that's because I am always the person taking the pictures. When I look back at photos of my sons growing up I am missing from a lot (if not most) of them as well...I do not like having my picture taken but it's time to suck-it-up, Grammy, and get in the picture!!  So I am stealing this idea from you, Leslie, and I will attempt to post at least one picture a week of me and Miss B.
I could kiss her all day long!